In conversation with Neil – Hilary Heilbron QC
Neil Kaplan and Chiann Bao hosted Hilary Heilbron QC. The recording is available here.
Hilary Heilbron QC now focuses on international arbitration, primarily as an international arbitrator sitting in major cases all over the world both under the main arbitral institutions and ad hoc. She occasionally still acts as counsel in which capacity she has a wealth of experience of major commercial and arbitral disputes under many foreign laws such as appearing in the UK Supreme Court in Dallah Real Estate Tourism Holding Co v Government of Pakistan . She is currently a member of various international task forces on current topics in international arbitration and a former member of the LCIA Court and the ICC UK Arbitration and ADR Committee.
Find out more about Neil Kaplan, Chiann Bao and the In conversation with Neil series here, and browse past ‘conversations’ here.