YSIAC-CIArb YMG Webinar: Popular or Polar Opposites? Perceptions about Arbitration Practice from the US and Singapore
Our panellists will exchange perspectives about the practice of arbitration from (almost) opposite ends of the globe, focusing on how clients and lawyers in the US and in Singapore perceive arbitration. The discussion will range from the substantive (e.g., the effectiveness of arbitration for dispute resolution, as compared to litigation and alternatives like mediation, the enforceability of arbitral awards, and Singapore common law versus US common law practice in various areas of arbitration such as disclosure and confidentiality) to the day-to-day (e.g., what the life of an arbitration associate is like in both places, what networking is like, etc).
Join YSIAC-CIArb YMG for the above event on 7 May at 3am CEST/ 9am SGT. Register here.