ROAP Mock Hearing – 5 October 2020, 2pm CET
This ROAP Mock Hearing featured the following:
- Tribunal and Observer: Zafar ABBAS, Phuong-Trinh NGUYEN POTTER, Aparna PUJAR, Ricardo SARAIVA
- Counsel for Claimant: Daniela CALA and Camilla GAMBARINI
- Counsel for Respondent: Srishti JAIN and Francesca SALERNO
- Matter: Argentina’s consent to the mass claims and their admissibility under the ICSID framework in Abaclat and Others v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/5. See here for the Decision on Jurisdiction and Admissibility of 4 August 2011, and here for the Dissenting Opinion of the same date.
Find out more about the ROAP Mock Hearings here. With the support of: