TagTime S03E13 – Prof. Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid on “Can Foreign Investors Bring Claims Against a State for Violations of a BIT or MIT Where a State Has Failed to Act to Prevent Climate Change or Acted to Prevent Climate Change?”
Prof. Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid discussed “Can Foreign Investors Bring Claims Against a State for Violations of a BIT or MIT Where a State Has Failed to Act to Prevent Climate Change or Acted to Prevent Climate Change?” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Prof. Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid was tagged by Baiju Vasani; she, in turn, tagged Angeline Welsh.
Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid represents and advises clients on complex international disputes with a focus on public international law including issues related to human rights, international investment arbitration, international commercial arbitration, and foreign investor risk management. Praised by Chambers as a “standout lawyer” and “formidable litigator,” Meriam’s experience is vast across sectors, regions and arbitral institutions. Clients also report to Chambers that she is a “strong lawyer who is well regarded and very smart,” specifically “very meticulous, [with] outstanding drafting skills and is well organized”. Meriam has served as counsel in disputes and transactions involving parties from across the globe, including the Americas, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Meriam’s her practice covers various industries, including mining, mineral resources, infrastructure, oil and gas, civil engineering, textiles hospitality and real estate. Her experience includes participation in arbitrations before the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), International Court of Justice (ICJ), Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague, International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
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