TagTime S03E11 – Baiju Vasani on “Can BITs Apply to Disputed Territory?”
Baiju Vasani discussed “Can BITs Apply to Disputed Territory?” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Baiju Vasani was tagged by Prof. Patricia Shaughnessy; he, in turn, tagged Prof. Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid and Prof. Dan Sarooshi QC.
Baiju Vasani is an international arbitration lawyer and arbitrator based in London and Moscow. For the last two decades, Baiju has served as advocate or arbitrator in dozens of high-value international arbitrations across a range of sectors and industries involving ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, LCIA, ICDR, SIAC, BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and public international law. He has also advised states on the negotiation and drafting of investment treaties, and investors on the (re)structuring of their investments for maximum treaty protection consonant with tax and corporate governance strategies. Baiju is a Senior Fellow of SOAS, University of London and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and on the arbitrator panels of various institutions worldwide, including ICSID. He previously served as an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown University and has given visiting lectures at, among other universities, Harvard, Northwestern, Columbia, and Bedfordshire.
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