TagTime S03E08 – Prof. Julian Lew QC on “What is the Role of Counsel in International Arbitration?”
Prof. Julian Lew QC discussed “What is the Role of Counsel in International Arbitration?“ with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Prof. Lew was tagged by Prof. Maxi Scherer; he, in turn, tagged Prof. Patricia Shaughnessy.
Professor Julian Lew QC is a full-time arbitrator in international commercial and investment disputes. He has been involved with international arbitration for more than 40 years as an academic, counsel and arbitrator. Before 2005, Julian was a partner and, for some years, the head of the international arbitration practice group of Herbert Smith. He is Professor of International Arbitration and Head of the School of International Arbitration, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London. He has held these positions since the School’s creation in 1985. Prof. Lew received the GAR Award for Best Prepared and Most Responsive Arbitrator in 2015.
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