TagTime S03E02 – Julie Bédard on “Who Decides: Courts or Tribunals? Arbitrability in International Arbitration”
Julie Bédard discussed “Who Decides: Courts or Tribunals? Arbitrability in International Arbitration” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. Julie was tagged by Prof. Pierre Tercier; she in turn tagged Ndanga Kamau. The recording is available here.
Julie Bédard is head of Skadden’s International Litigation and Arbitration Group for the Americas. She is a member of Skadden’s Policy Committee, the firm’s governing body. Fluent in French, Spanish and Portuguese, Ms. Bédard practices in four languages in complex international litigation and arbitration matters.
Trained in both civil and common law, Ms. Bédard represents clients in federal and state courts in the US and has served as counsel in various international arbitration proceedings. She frequently counsels management and supervisory boards in corporate governance, internal investigations and U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act matters. In 2020, Ms. Bédard was named as an arbitrator for the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s dispute settlement mechanism. She is a member of the Court of Arbitration of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre.
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