TagTime S02E07 – Prof. Loukas Mistelis on “The Role of Experts in Investment and Commercial Arbitration”
Prof. Loukas Mistelis discussed “The Role of Experts in Investment and Commercial Arbitration” with Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here and Prof. Mistelis’ slides are available here. Prof. Mistelis was tagged by Dr Crina Baltag; he in turn tagged Judge Joan Donoghue.
Prof. Loukas Mistelis is the Clive Schmitthoff professor of transnational law and arbitration; director of the Institute of Transnational Commercial Law, former director of the School of International Arbitration (2002–2019) at Queen Mary, University of London; and founding partner of Mistelis & Haddadin, an arbitration and commercial law consultancy. He is an acknowledged authority in dispute resolution and a high-profile arbitration academic and practitioner. He is listed in WWL: Arbitration (2006–) and The Legal 500 Arbitration Powerlist as a highly regarded individual.
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