TagTime S02E04 – Alvin Yeo SC on “Indirect Investments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement”
Alvin Yeo SC discussed “Indirect Investments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement” with Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here and Alvin Yeo’s slides are available here. He was tagged by Kevin Kim; he in turn tagged Dr Crina Baltag.
Alvin Yeo, Senior Counsel, is the Chairman & Senior Partner of WongPartnership LLP. He was appointed Senior Counsel of the Supreme Court of Singapore in 2000 at the age of 37, the youngest ever to be so appointed. Alvin graduated from King’s College London, University of London, and was admitted to the English Bar (Gray’s Inn) in 1987 and the Singapore Bar in 1988. His main areas of practice are litigation and arbitration in banking, corporate/commercial, investment and infrastructure disputes. Alvin is a member of the Court of the SIAC, the ICC Commission and a fellow of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution, the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and the Singapore Institute of Directors, and a former member of the LCIA Court and the IBA Arbitration Committee. He is also on the panel of arbitrators in various arbitral institutions, including the HKIAC, ICDR, KCAB, SCIETAC and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators’ Panel for Sports in Singapore. Alvin is also appointed to the Governing Board of the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore.
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