TagTime S01 E09 – Prof. Diane Desierto on “Invoking Climate Change, Environmental Law and Human Rights Law in International Arbitration: Utopia or Opportunity?”
Prof. Diane Desierto discussed “Invoking Climate Change, Environmental Law and Human Rights Law in International Arbitration: Utopia or Opportunity?” with Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Prof. Diane Desierto was ‘tagged’ by Dr. Yas Banifatemi; she in turn tagged Prof. Catherine Rogers. This episode was also supported by the Philippine Institute of Arbitrators (PIArb).
Prof. Diane Desierto (JSD, Yale) is a tenured Associate Professor of Human Rights Law and Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame, where she is also a Faculty Fellow in five of the University’s institutes and centers (Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights, Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, and Pulte Institute on Global Development), focusing on the teaching of international law, human rights, maritime security, and ASEAN Law. Concurrently, she is also Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Philippines Judicial Academy of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, External Executive Director and ASEAN Law Visiting Professor for the University of the Philippines Graduate LLM Program in the Bonifacio Global City campus.
Prof. Desierto is active as international counsel on Philippines and Southeast Asia matters before the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Human Rights Committee, the International Criminal Court, ASEAN, Philippine courts and regulatory agencies. She serves as a member of the editorial boards of European Journal of International Law and EJIL:Talk!, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Law Journal, and the Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law. She is a Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration and the UNCITRAL Academic Forum on ISDS Reform, a listed Arbitrator at the British Virgin Islands Arbitration Centre. Prof. Desierto has served as Expert for the drafting of the 2012 ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, the draft 2020 UN Convention on the Right to Development, and the 2019 Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration, and authored over 100 publications (4 books, 50 law review articles, 20 chapters, essays and book reviews) with leading publishers in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
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