SIAC-KICA-KCAB INTERNATIONAL Korea Webinar: Arbitration Hotline: Answering In-House Counsel’s Most Pressing Questions About International Arbitration
For in-house counsel, managing an international arbitration can quickly become overwhelming and confusing. Procedures and applicable laws differ from case-to-case, and in-house counsel frequently lack the familiarity with arbitration of external disputes lawyers. This webinar aims to equip in-house counsel with the knowledge to critically assess and meaningfully participate in discussions of strategy with their external counsel.
Join SIAC, the Korea In-House Counsel Association (KICA), and KCAB INTERNATIONAL for a lively discussion with seasoned in-house counsel and practitioners as they answer the most common questions about international arbitration. The webinar will also begin with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between SIAC and KICA.
Join SIAC, KICA and KCAB INTERNATIONAL for the above event on 21 July at 9am CEST/ 3pm SGT. Register here.