Nottingham Arbitration Talk – Keynote by Professor Sir Roy Goode
The University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre will hold its inaugural Nottingham Arbitration Talk on Wednesday 17 March at 2-4pm London time / 3-5pm CET. The Keynote address will be given by Professor Sir Roy Goode, Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Oxford. The speaker panel will host Angeline Welsh (Essex Court Chambers), Timothy Foden (Lalive) and Dr Martins Paparinskis (University College London).
The theme of the event will be ‘Procedure and Substance in Commercial and Investment Treaty Arbitration’. It will address current and timeless issues, such as the influence of procedure on the parties’ substantive rights, the recent phenomenon of ‘due process paranoia’ in arbitration and the current state of the system of investment treaty arbitration.
Register here.