GAP HEADNOTE SERIES – Taiwan (by Formosa Transnational)
On Thursday 6 June took place an interactive discussion on “Annulment Lawsuit? A Case Study of How to Challenge an Arbitral Award Seated in Taiwan and Applying ICC Rules“, in our ‘A Case in Time’ Headnote series.
Weiyu Chiang and Brian Lai, of Formosa Transnational, one of the authors of the GAP chapter on Taiwan, provided a discussion of the selected cases, followed by comments of Nguyen Ngoc Minh (Mr.) of Dzungsrt & Associates (short bios of the speakers below) and a Q&A with the participants. Chatham House rules apply. The event chat was open to facilitate networking and interaction.
The recording is available here.
You can find out more about Delos’s Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP) here, and sign up for GAP news here, and do look up other forthcoming events in our Headnote and Journal Series.
The Delos Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP) is designed to assist in-house counsel, corporate lawyers and arbitration practitioners with efficiently accessing key insights into a large range of jurisdictions, including for the purposes of negotiating the choice of arbitral seats and conducting arbitral proceedings in those jurisdictions.
This peer-reviewed open access publication is now in its second edition. Browse the table of contents, explore the jurisdictions covered in the GAP or jump to the traffic lights table.