GAP HEADNOTE SERIES – Taiwan (by Formosa Transnational)


On Thursday 6 June took place an interactive discussion on “Annulment Lawsuit? A Case Study of How to Challenge an Arbitral Award Seated in Taiwan and Applying ICC Rules“, in our ‘A Case in Time’ Headnote series. Weiyu Chiang and Brian Lai, of Formosa Transnational, one of the authors of the GAP chapter on Taiwan, provided a discussion of the selected cases, followed by comments of Nguyen Ngoc Minh (Mr.) of Dzungsrt & Associates (short bios of the speakers below) and a Q&A with the participants. Chatham House rules apply. The event chat was open to facilitate networking and interaction. The recording is available here. You can find out more about Delos’s Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP) here, and sign up for GAP news here, … Read More

GAP HEADNOTE SERIES – Greece (by KLC Law Firm)


On Thursday 18 July took place an interactive discussion on “Greece’s chapter of the Achmea saga: reflecting on the country’s Supreme Administrative Court recent case law”, in our ‘A Case in Time’ headnote series. Tasos Kollas and Anastasis Kardamakis, of KLC Law Firm, the authors of the GAP chapter on Greece, provided a discussion of the selected cases, followed by comments from Truong Nu Hoang Giang (Ms.) of Dzungsrt & Associates (short bios of the speakers below) and a Q&A with the participants. Chatham House rules applied. The event chat was opened to facilitate networking and interaction. The recording is available here. You can find out more about Delos’s Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP) here, and sign up for GAP news here, and … Read More

Corruption and arbitration / award challenge: What lessons can we learn from P&ID v Nigeria?


Join us, online or in person, at London International Disputes Week (LIDW)! Our event, jointly organised with White & Case, Linklaters, and Control Risks, will take place on Wednesday 5 June, at 11am – 12.30pm, online and at the offices of White & Case in London. We will discuss the finality of arbitration awards as one of the key benefits of arbitration as an alternative method of resolving disputes.  Even though an award is final, the NYC provides for grounds for refusing to recognise an award or challenging an award, which notably include instances where corruption allegations are established.  It is therefore important for practitioners to be aware of the evolution of these key issues including what role (if any) … Read More

GAP JOURNAL SERIES – Conflicts of Interests and the new IBA Guidelines: A Case Study for Latin America


On Thursday 23 May took place an in-depth 90mn discussion, of Conflicts of Interests and the new IBA Guidelines: A Case Study for Latin America, in our ‘A Case in Time’ Journal series. The speakers for this episode included Luis Capiel (Arias), Salvador Fonseca (Fonseca, Rodríguez & Perchemlian Abogados), Hugo García Larriva (Bustamante Fabara) with Laura Sinisterra (Debevoise & Plimpton) moderating (short bios of the speakers below). ABOUT THE GAP AND THE SPEAKERS The Delos Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP) is designed to assist in-house counsel, corporate lawyers and arbitration practitioners with efficiently accessing key insights into a large range of jurisdictions, including for the purposes of negotiating the choice of arbitral seats and conducting arbitral proceedings in those jurisdictions. … Read More

GAP HEADNOTE SERIES – Portugal (by Morais Leitao, Galvao Teles, Soars Da Silva & Associados – MLGTS)


On Thursday 2 May took place an interactive discussion on “The violation of international public policy as ground for requesting the setting aside of arbitral awards rendered in Portugal or for opposing the recognition and enforcement in this country of arbitral awards rendered abroad“, in our ‘A Case in Time’ headnote series. Antonio Sampaio Caramelo, of Morais Leitao, Galvao Teles, Soars Da Silva & Associados (MLGTS), one of the authors of the GAP chapter on Portugal, provided a discussion of the selected case, followed by comments from David de Freitas, of White & Case (short bios of the speakers below) and a Q&A with the participants. Chatham House rules applied. The event chat was opened to facilitate networking and interaction. The recording is … Read More



On Thursday 28 March at 4pm HKT took place an in-depth 90mn discussion of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal: C v D [2023] HKCFA 16, in our ‘A Case in Time’ Journal series. The speakers for this episode included Olga Boltenko (Boltenko Arbiters), Simon Chapman (Herbert Smith Freehills), Queenie Lau (Temple Chambers) and Rimsky Yuen SC (Temple Chambers) with Jonathan Lim (WilmerHale) moderating (short bios of the speakers below). ABOUT THE GAP AND THE SPEAKERS The Delos Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP) is designed to assist in-house counsel, corporate lawyers and arbitration practitioners with efficiently accessing key insights into a large range of jurisdictions, including for the purposes of negotiating the choice of arbitral seats and conducting arbitral proceedings … Read More

Arbitration no longer immune to geopolitics: when sanctions upset the destiny of International Arbitration


As part of Paris Arbitration Week 2024, FRA will be hosting a panel on the theme “Arbitration no longer immune to geopolitics: when sanctions upset the destiny of IA”. FRA Partner Derek Patterson will moderate the discussion with distinguished arbitration practitioners from different parts of the world: Anne-Karin Grill (Founder of Dispute resolution boutique AKG ADVISORY), Boris Telyatnikov (Partner, Enyo Law LLP), and Julia Zagonek (Partner, White & Case LLP). Bringing their unique views and experience, the panel will examine the complex issue of the application of sanctions, and assess their impact on the various actors in international arbitration, i.e. arbitral institutions, arbitrators and parties. Register here.

Fund Time Breakfast


Paris Arbitration Centre will host “Fund Time” to be presented by Profile Investment (Pi) founder, Iain McKenny over a midweek breakfast in the light-hearted style of a talk show. A panel of 4 distinguished guests with “real time” experience of litigation financing will debate the pros and cons of working with funders in a no holds barred debate discussing issues such as:– “Is the relationship between law and finance, parasitic or symbiotic?”;– “Does litigation financing deter reasonable settlement?”;– “Are law firms service providers and if so, is the rise of the hybrid law firm/fund desirable or inevitable?” and– “Does disclosure of litigation financing have an unspoken impact on quantum?” Register here.

PAC AT PAW – Paris Arbitration Centre – Opening Breakfast


Join us for a breakfast celebration on 18 March 2024 of the opening of the Paris Arbitration Centre, by Delos. From 8.30am to 10.30am, it will be an opportunity to meet and greet some of PAC’s leadership and the people involved, and visit the state of the art hearing centre. Register here, or write to us at

DELOS AT PAW – Delos 10 Year Anniversary Celebration


Join us for a breakfast celebration on 21 March 2024 of Delos’s milestone anniversary. From 8.30am to 10.30am, it will be an opportunity to meet and greet some of Delos’s leadership, find out more about what Delos does and the people involved, and visit the newly opened Paris Arbitration Centre, by Delos. Register here.