Corruption and arbitration / award challenge: What lessons can we learn from P&ID v Nigeria?
Join us, online or in person, at London International Disputes Week (LIDW)! Our event, jointly organised with White & Case, Linklaters, and Control Risks, will take place on Wednesday 5 June, at 11am – 12.30pm, online and at the offices of White & Case in London.
We will discuss the finality of arbitration awards as one of the key benefits of arbitration as an alternative method of resolving disputes. Even though an award is final, the NYC provides for grounds for refusing to recognise an award or challenging an award, which notably include instances where corruption allegations are established. It is therefore important for practitioners to be aware of the evolution of these key issues including what role (if any) the arbitral seat plays in this regard. During this event, speakers will share their reflections on key and recent developments regarding enforcement and challenge of arbitral awards.
Please note that the event will be followed by a lunch for attendees.
Register here. If you have any questions, please contact Danussha Mohan.