TagTime S01 E11 – Prof. Catherine A. Rogers on “Does International Arbitration Enfeeble or Enhance Local Legal Institutions?”
Prof. Catherine Rogers discussed “Does International Arbitration Enfeeble or Enhance Local Legal Institutions?” with Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here and Catherine’s presentation is available here. To find out more about the topic, it is based on an article of same title by Prof. Catherine Rogers and Christopher Drahozal, which is available for download here. Prof. Catherine Rogers was tagged by Prof. Diane Desierto; she in turn tagged Yemi Candide-Johnson SAN. This episode was also supported by Arbitrator Intelligence.
Prof. Catherine Rogers is a scholar of international arbitration and professional ethics at Penn State Law, with a dual appointment as Professor of Ethics, Regulation, and the Rule of Law at Queen Mary, University of London, where she is also Co-Director of the Institute for Ethics and Regulation. Her scholarship focuses on the convergence of the public and private in international adjudication, the intersection of markets and regulation in guiding professional conduct, and on the reconceptualization of the attorney as a global actor. Catherine teaches, lectures, and publishes on these topics around the world, including as an invited participant at two Stanford-Yale Junior Faculty Fora.
Catherine is a Reporter for the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration. Before entering academia, Catherine clerked for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practised international litigation and arbitration in New York, Hong Kong, and San Francisco.
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