SIAC and JAA Kansai Chapter Osaka Webinar Series: Part 1 The Advantages of Arbitration for Japanese SMEs
International arbitration is the global business community’s preferred method of cross-border dispute resolution. With the number of Japanese SMEs conducting business with international companies, Japanese business teams, in-house counsel and practitioners require practical knowledge and expertise in international arbitration to effectively achieve the most favourable outcomes for their companies and clients.
The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and the Japan Association of Arbitrators (JAA), Kansai Chapter, jointly present this two-part webinar series on international arbitration. In Part I, speakers experienced in cross-border dispute resolution and arbitration at SIAC will provide guidance and first-hand perspectives on international arbitration and its advantages for Japanese SMEs.
Join JAA Kansai Chapter Osaka and SIAC for the above event on 25 August at 8am CEST/ 3pm JST. Register here.