TagTime S06E01 – Sofia Martins on “The role of professional arbitral organizations in regulating the conduct of arbitrators”
On Wednesday 7 September, Sofia Martins discussed “The role of professional arbitral organizations in regulating the conduct of arbitrators” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. Sofia Martins was tagged by Reza Mohtashami QC. She in turn tagged Gisela Knuts.
You can view the recording here.
Sofia Martins heads the disputes practice at Miranda & Associados.
Sofia sits on the board of the Portuguese Arbitration Association since 2014. She has also been an officer of the IBA Arbitration Committee and co-editor of the IBA International Arbitration Guide since March 2017 and is a member of the ICC Arbitration and ADR Committee. In July 2020 she was appointed to chair the board of the arbitration Center of Concórdia. Previously she was one of the co-chairs for CEA-40 and APASub40, having also sat on the board of the Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2012 – 2019).
Sofia represents clients in a wide range of civil, commercial and investment disputes, ranging from construction to energy, in Portugal and abroad, also acting as arbitrator, both in domestic and international disputes.
Sofia is a member of the ROAP Steering Committee and was part of the faculty for the inaugural ROAP edition in 2020.