TagTime S05E08 – Deva Villanúa Gómez on “Sales season: arbitration cheapens investment!”
On Wednesday 1 June, Deva Villanúa Gómez discussed “Sales season: arbitration cheapens investment!” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. Deva Villanúa Gómez was tagged by Valeria Galindez. She, in turn, tagged Crenguta Leaua.
You can view the recording here.
Since 2002 Deva Villanúa has been an arbitrator in Armesto & Asociados, a boutique of arbitrators with an international, independent profile and a good business sense.
Deva Villanúa has been designated President of the Arbitral Tribunal, Emergency Arbitrator, sole Arbitrator and as party-appointed arbitrator in more than 50 commercial cases; she has also acted as Secretary to the Arbitral Tribunal in more than 30 commercial arbitrations. In investment arbitrations she has been appointed co-arbitrator in three cases, President in four cases and she has been appointed to two annulment committees (one as President); she has also had an active involvement as assistant in more than 15 investment arbitrations.
Since 2018 Deva is Vice-president of the ICC Court of Arbitration.
Additionally, Deva is listed on ICSID’s Panel of Arbitrators.