Review of Recent Arbitration-Related Developments in China
China’s international arbitration landscape is rapidly changing. A recent Chinese court decision has reconfirmed the validity of a SIAC arbitration agreement providing for Shanghai as the seat. China’s Free Trade Zone policies on international arbitration announced in 2019 and 2020 allow foreign arbitral institutions to set up a case management office in designated areas of the pilot free trade zones. Ongoing efforts are also being made to reform China’s arbitration law to reflect the development of China’s arbitration practice and keep up with international best practices. The Hong Kong-Mainland China Interim Measures Arrangement, which came into force on 1 October 2019, allows parties to certain Hong Kong-seated arbitrations to seek interim measures from the PRC Courts.
Join SIAC for a webinar as leading arbitration practitioners and arbitrators discuss and analyse these important developments. The event will take place on Tuesday 23 February at 9am CET / 4pm SGT.
Find out more and register here.