Roma Tre – UNIDROIT Centre First Annual Conference
The Roma Tre – UNIDROIT Centre for Transnational Commercial Law and International Arbitration is delighted to announce its first Annual Conference. Every year, the Centre will elect a front-burner topic that will be thoroughly analyzed and discussed at a high-level conference. The first edition will focus on climate change through the lenses of dispute settlement.
The global response to climate change is the result of a complex interplay between international, transnational, and domestic law. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, which contain the main international standards to mitigate the consequences of climate change and the deterioration of the natural environment, must interact and be reconciled with the existing sets of rules governing inter alia trade, foreign investments, and cross-border transactions.
Climate change disputes are on the rise in cross-border litigation, international (commercial and investment) arbitration, and on the dockets of international courts and tribunals. Adjudicators face the difficulty of carrying out a systemic reconstructionof the obligations of States and private actors, of identifying the legal remedies available, as well as of founding the legal standing for the protection of general interests and third parties’ rights.
The purpose of this conference is twofold: (i) to create a taxonomy of the most relevant legal issues that have arisen in the context of climate change, and (ii) through an in-depth analysis of these issues, to ease the complexity of the matter and provide policy indications to consistently address current and future challenges.
Registration is free of charge. To register, please e-mail: roma3unidroit.centre@uniroma3.it
More information here.