LACIAC Training on Dispute Management in Africa Infrastructure Projects (DiMAP 2020)
The second edition of DiMAP will span over the course of three weeks covering Power; Public Infrastructure (PPPs & Concession Arrangements); and the Oil & Gas Sectors and will be a virtual workshop because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to achieve the objectives of the training and have a wide outreach, we have collaborated with the international law firms – Baker Mckenzie; Hogan Lovells; and Linklaters, and some of Africa’s top laws firms – Aluko & Oyebode; Bentsi Enchill, Letsa & Ankomah; and Funmi Roberts & Co, to develop the programme for the training.
Participants will gain insights from seasoned professionals who will draw on their expertise in dispute resolution, project management and claims management across these three sectors. The training will also include mock arbitration hearings and case studies, among other things.
Register here: https://www.laciac.org/dimap/.