TagTime S03E04 – Yoshimi Ohara on “When Arbitration Meets IP Disputes – Settling Global Patent Disputes in a Single Arbitration”
Yoshimi Ohara discussed “When Arbitration Meets IP Disputes – Settling Global Patent Disputes in a Single Arbitration” with Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Yoshimi was tagged by Matt Gearing QC; she in turn tagged Andrés Jana.
Yoshimi Ohara is a Partner at Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu. Her practice focuses on international arbitration, international complex litigation and mediation. She represents both domestic and foreign clients in international arbitration in various venues under the rules of the ICC, AAA/ICDR, SIAC and JCAA. With a strong corporate and IP background, she has extensive experience in dealing with disputes covering a wide range of subjects, including joint ventures, M&A, energy, construction, technology transfer, intellectual property, shipping, sales and distribution. Ms. Ohara also serves as an arbitrator in international arbitration. She has contributed to shaping soft law in international arbitration through IBA activities.
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