TagTime S03E03 – Ndanga Kamau on “The State in International Arbitration: Immunity, Sovereignty & Other Salient Issues”
Ndanga Kamau discussed “The State in International Arbitration: Immunity, Sovereignty & Other Salient Issues” with Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here and Ndanga’s slides are available here. Ndanga was tagged by Julie Bédard; she in turn tagged Prof. Maxi Scherer.
Ndanga Kamau is an international lawyer specialising in international dispute settlement, public international law, and private international law. She sits as an arbitrator in institutional and ad hoc arbitrations, and represents clients in international disputes. In addition to her representation work, Ndanga advises clients on dispute avoidance, risk mitigation, drafting dispute resolution clauses, and developing dispute resolution strategies.
Ndanga is Vice President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, President of the ICC Africa Commission, a member of the IBA Arbitration Committee, a PRIME Finance Expert in Dispute Resolution, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy (FIAA). She is also Director of Programmes of the African Association of International Law (AAIL), in which capacity she attends meetings of UNCITRAL WG III on Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform.
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