Delos-Y Virtual Breakfast – 2 October 2020
This interactive event dedicated to younger arbitration practitioners and professionals interested in arbitration took place on Friday 2 October 2020. You can find out more here about this innovative format.
Speakers included Dr Johanna Büstgens of Hanefeld Rechtsanwälte, Anna Chuwen Dai of White & Case, Ana Coimbra Trigo of PLMJ, Flavio Ponzano of Arblit, Matej Pustay of Squire Patton Boggs and Bart Wasiak of Arnold & Porter.
The event was moderated by Camilla Gambarini of Withersworldwide and Sebastiano Nessi of Schellenberg Wittmer, and chaired by Maria Poláková of Squire Patton Boggs.