Experiences from the Field: Insights from FAI Arbitrators and Finnish Arbitration Practitioners
The Finland Arbitration Institute (FAI) is concluding its three-part FAI Webinar Series, organized in connection with the 32nd Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot and the 22nd Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot, with the final episode scheduled for Friday, 13 December 2024, at 3:00 PM EET (UTC+2).
This final episode will feature Finnish arbitration practitioners sharing insights from their roles as counsel and arbitrators in FAI arbitrations. The discussion will focus on their personal perspectives and reflections on key themes, including jurisdictional disputes and the admissibility of evidence.
Panelists include:
Markus Manninen, Partner, Hannes Snellman
Paula Airas, Counsel, Roschier
Teemu Auressalmi, Counsel, Castrén & Snellman
The discussion will be moderated by Julia Pekkala, Partner, HPP Attorneys.
Participation is free of charge.
Register here.