LACIAC Live Debate
Join us for the 7th edition of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce International Arbitration Centre (LACIAC) virtual Live Debates (LLD) on 27 July 2023 at 5pm WAT! The question of arbitrators’ remuneration remains a subject of significant interest and discussion. There are various remuneration models, which include hourly rates, fixed fees, per diem and the ad valorem method, with their relative pros and cons. At the 7th edition of the LLD our debaters will focus on the motion “The Ad Valorem method is the most appropriate form of remuneration for arbitrators”. This edition will feature Diamana Diawara and Dr Ismail Selim as debaters and Nania Owusu-Ankomah Sackey, FCIArb as the moderator. We look forward to welcoming you to this enlightening debate, as we delve deep into the complexities of arbitrators’ remuneration. Attendance is free but registration is compulsory.
Register here.