TagTime S04E03 – Bart Legum on “Enforcement of ICSID Convention Arbitration Awards: How to Fix a Broken System”
Bart Legum discussed “Enforcement of ICSID Convention Arbitration Awards: How to Fix a Broken System” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Bart Legum was tagged by Prof. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska; he, in turn, tagged Anna Joubin-Bret.
Bart Legum is a partner in Dentons’ Paris office and head of the firm’s investment treaty arbitration practice. Bart has over 30 years’ experience in litigating complex cases and has argued before numerous international arbitration tribunals, the International Court of Justice and a range of trial and appeals courts in the United States. His practice focuses on international arbitration in general and arbitration under investment treaties in particular.
He is a Past Chair of the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law, an international bar organisation with over 24,000 members from over 90 countries around the world. Bart is a Member of the Board of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. In September 2017, the President of the World Bank appointed Bart to the ICSID roster of conciliators for investment disputes.
Earlier in his career, Bart served as Chief of the NAFTA Arbitration Division in the Office of the Legal Adviser, United States Department of State. In that capacity, he acted as lead counsel for the United States Government in some of the first arbitrations under the investment chapter of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The United States won every case decided under his tenure.
He is the editor of The Investment Treaty Arbitration Review (2nd ed. 2017), an annual publication of Law and Business Research. He also is a founding editor of International Litigation Strategies and Practice (1st ed. 2005; 2d ed. 2014), a book published by the American Bar Association. Bart is often published on international dispute resolution topics and frequently speaks at conferences on international arbitration and litigation.
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