TagTime S04E01 – Prof. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska on “Application of Substantive Law in International Arbitration – the Limits of Tribunals’ Discretionary Powers”
Prof. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska discussed “Application of Substantive Law in International Arbitration – the Limits of Tribunals’ Discretionary Powers” with hosts Dr Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee. The recording is available here. Prof. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska was tagged by Annette Magnusson; she, in turn, tagged Bart Legum.
Prof. Beata Gessel-Kalinowska is an expert in arbitration, merger and acquisition transactions and private equity / venture capital and corporate law. As of 1995, arbitration has been an important element in Beata’s professional practice. She has built up comprehensive experience in ADR, participating – whether as arbitrator, counsel, or expert – in approximately 100 arbitration cases, domestic as well as international (conducted according to rules including those of the ICC, UNCITRAL, FCC, IAA, SCAI, Lewiatan, Polish National Chamber of Commerce and the National Depository for Securities). Majority of the arbitral proceeding she has been involved in concerned, however was not limited to, M&A transactions and construction law (including FIDIC regulations).
Between 2011 and 2017, served as President of the Lewiatan Arbitration Court; upon leaving this position, she was appointed Honorary President. She is an alternate member of the of ICC International Arbitration Court (2015). Beata Gessel is also an adjunct professor in commercial arbitration as well as M&A transactions at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University.
In 2015/2016 she ran comparative law research on breach of M&A transactions as a visiting academic at Oxford University Law Department and in 2016/2017 continued her research at the Cambridge University Law Department within the Herbert Smith Freehills Visiting Professor Scheme.
Member of the Polish Arbitration Association (at which she sits on the Audit Committee); also chairs the Audit Committee of the Polish Private Equity Association, an organisation assembling all the private equity funds active in Poland.
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