From April 2020 to August 2021, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS interviewed leading figures in international arbitration and beyond, from around the world, with Chiann Bao as the master of ceremonies.
The live webinars explored the careers and personal stories of Neil Kaplan's guests (list below). The 54 conversations are available in Delos's member area or can be browsed via our list of past webinars. Expect light banter and searching questions, against the backdrop of some of the most pressing issues of the day. The final episode in the series featured the Hon. Julia Gillard AC, former Prime Minister of Australia: you can watch this conversation here (publicly accessible).
This conversation series is a treasure trove of content and learning. The following index references the topics discussed in the 22 conversations 'chaptered' so far (i.e., markers have been placed along the relevant recording to make it easier to navigate and dive into); the hyperlinks take you to the recording of the conversation with the guest in question in the Delos member area. If you have comments on this index, kindly let us know at
- Access to arbitration, rule of law and legitimacy (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Lord Neuberger
- Achmea (see also 'Investment arbitration'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard
- Ad valorem vs. hourly rates for arbitrators (see also 'Arbitrators'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau
- Adequacy of time periods where State parties are involved (see also 'Arbitration as a system', 'Investment arbitration'): Loretta Malintoppi, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Advice for a career in arbitration (see also 'Career'): Funke Adekoya SAN, The Hon. Charles Brower, Rod Bundy, Justin D'Agostino, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Hilary Heilbron QC, Dr Michael Hwang SC, Jean Kalicki, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Toby Landau QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Lucy Reed, Sir Bernard Rix, Prof. Brigitte Stern, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Advice to get your first arbitrator appointment (see also 'Career'): The Hon. Yves Fortier, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Lucy Reed, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Advocacy (and see 'Kitchen sink issues', 'Pleadings vs. memorials', 'Oral advocacy'): Hilary Heilbron QC, Toby Landau QC
- Arbitration in and related to...
- Africa: Funke Adekoya SAN
- Australia: Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM
- Asia: Justin D'Agostino
- Hong Kong: Justin D'Agostino, Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Singapore: Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Switzerland: Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Agreed chronologies (see also 'Case management techniques'): Jean Kalicki
- Allocation of costs (see also 'Costs'): Lord Neuberger
- Amici brief (see also 'Investment arbitration'): Rod Bundy
- Appeals on points of law (see also 'Awards'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Application of foreign law by judges and arbitrators (see also 'Arbitrator' and 'Dallah v Pakistan'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Approach to writing judgments (see also 'Awards'): Sir Bernard Rix
- Arbitral decision-making:
- ... and artificial intelligence (AI) (see also 'Arbitrator', 'Tech disruption to disputes work'): Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- ... and quantum issues: Prof. Pierre Tercier
- ... involving expert evidence (see also 'Arbitrator', 'Expert evidence'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard
- Arbitral tribunal’s use of experts after the close of proceedings (see also 'Expert evidence'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Lucy Reed
- Arbitration vs. court system (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Arbitration as a system (see, separately, 'Investment arbitration'): see 'Access to arbitration, rule of law and legitimacy', 'Adequacy of time periods where State parties are involved', 'Arbitration vs. court system', CMNC v. Jaguar, 'Common law vs. civil law approaches to arbitration', 'Confidentiality of, and within, an arbitration', 'ECHR Art. 6 and arbitration', 'Harmonisation vs. varying levels of experience', 'How to improve arbitration', 'Issues and challenges of arbitration', 'New York Convention', 'Pros and cons of arbitration', 'Publication of awards', 'Reasonable duration of an arbitration', 'Recognition of awards set aside at the seat', 'Small claims commercial and investment arbitration', 'Sociology of arbitration', 'Whether there are procedural differences between commercial and investment arbitration'
- Arbitrator:
- See 'Ad valorem vs. hourly rates for arbitrators', 'Application of foreign law by judges and arbitrators', 'Arbitral decision-makng and artificial intelligence', 'Arbitral decision-making involving expert evidence', 'David Caron's 'Rule of X'', 'Differences between a judge and an arbitrator', 'Whether former judges make good arbitrators', 'Double hatting', 'Dream team arbitration tribunal', 'Issue conflicts', 'Labelling of arbitrators as pro-State or pro-investor', 'Party-appointed arbitrators', 'Preparing for a hearing as an arbitrator', 'Relevance of nationality when considering the independence of arbitrators', 'Repeat appointments', 'Splitting the baby', 'Tribunal secretaries', 'Unconscious bias'
- Age and experience required to adjudicate: ECtHR President Robert Spano
- Arbitrator caseload vs. case management: The Hon. Yves Fortier, Toby Landau QC, Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM
- Arbitrator selection: Justin D'Agostino, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Arbitrator unethical conduct: Lucy Reed
- Arbitrators in the 1970s and today: Michael E. Schneider
- Serving as sole arbitrator vs on a three-member panel, chairing vs serving as co-arbitrator: Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Merits of counsel work before serving as arbitrator: Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Assessors (see also 'Expert evidence'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Michael E. Schneider
- Asynchronous opening statements (see also 'Remote or virtual hearings'): Jean Kalicki, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Awards: see 'Appeals on points of law', 'Approach to writing judgments', 'Dissents', 'Headnotes for awards', 'How to plan the drafting of an award and avoid delays', 'Length of awards'
- Balancing of interests: see 'Margin of appreciation'
- Bifurcating quantum and managing quantum experts (see also 'Case management techniques', 'Expert evidence'): Loretta Malintoppi
- Big Law vs. boutique law firms (see also 'Career', 'Markets'): Justin D'Agostino
- BIT backlash as contractual remorse (see also 'Investment arbitration'): The Hon. Charles Brower, Rod Bundy, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Career: see 'Advice for a career in arbitration', 'Advice to get your first arbitrator appointment', 'Big Law vs. boutique law firms', 'English Arbitration Act of 1996', 'Environmental law', 'Human rights law', 'Law studies', 'Life in Big Law', 'Remote working'
- Case Management Conferences (see also 'Case management techniques'): The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Case management techniques:
- See 'Agreed chronologies', 'Arbitral tribunal’s use of experts after the close of proceedings', 'Bifurcating quantum and managing quantum experts', 'Case Management Conferences', 'Conduct of arbitrations in a remote environment', 'Early identification of issues by the tribunal', 'Hot tubbing of experts', 'Importance of good procedure', 'Importance of tone in the tribunal’s case management emails to the parties', 'Initial procedural steps as arbitrator', 'Kaplan Opening / Early Opening', 'Prague Rules', 'Reed Retreat', 'Regular tribunal calls with the parties', 'Robust arbitrators', 'Role of tribunals in relation to mediation and settlement in the context of arbitrations', 'Site visits', 'Witness conferencing'
- Funke Adekoya SAN, The Hon. Charles Brower, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Jean Kalicki, Loretta Malintoppi, Lucy Reed, Michael E. Schneider, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Challenges to awards due to remote hearings (see also 'Remote or virtual hearings'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard
- Champerty (see also 'Third-party funding'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- China Machine New Energy Corp ('CMNC') v Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC and another [2020] SGCA 12 (see also 'Arbitration as a system', 'Due process paranoia'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Toby Landau QC, Lucy Reed
- CJEU Opinion 1/17 (see also 'Investment arbitration'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard
- Common law vs. civil law approaches to arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Complex arbitrations: Prof. Bernard Hanotiau
- Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs): see 'Outcome-based Fee Arrangements'
- Conduct of arbitrations in a remote environment (see also 'Case management techniques'): Funke Adekoya SAN, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Michael E. Schneider
- Confidentiality of, and within, an arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system): Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Confidentiality of deliberations: Toby Landau QC
- Construction arbitration: see 'Dispute Resolution Adviser (DRA)', 'Dispute Resolution Board (DRB)', 'Dream team arbitration tribunal'
- Costs: see 'Allocation of costs', 'Managing costs', 'Third-party funding'
- Coudert Brothers: Loretta Malintoppi
- Counsel ethics (see also 'Ethics'): Lord Neuberger, Sir Bernard Rix
- Dallah v Pakistan: Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Sir Bernard Rix
- Damages: see 'Fair compensation under the ECHR'
- David Caron's 'Rule of X' (see also 'Arbitrator'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Jean Kalicki, Lucy Reed, Sir Bernard Rix
- Dezalay and Garth, Dealing in Virtue: see 'Sociology of arbitration'
- DIFC Courts: Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Differences between a judge and an arbitrator (see also 'Arbitrator'): Lord Neuberger
- Disclosure masters (see also 'Document production'): Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Dissents (see also 'Awards'): Hilary Heilbron QC, Jean Kalicki
- Dispute Resolution Adviser (DRA) (see also 'Construction arbitration'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) (or 'Dispute Review Board'; see also 'Construction arbitration'): Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Diversity & Inclusion: Funke Adekoya SAN, Justin D'Agostino, Hilary Heilbron QC, Dr Michael Hwang SC, Jean Kalicki, Loretta Malintoppi, Lucy Reed, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Document production (also Armesto Schedules, Redfern Schedules, Stern Schedules; and see 'Disclosure masters'): Rod Bundy, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Jean Kalicki, Toby Landau QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Lord Neuberger, Lucy Reed, Michael E. Schneider, Prof. Brigitte Stern, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Double hatting (see also 'Arbitrator' and 'Investment arbitration'): Rod Bundy, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Jean Kalicki, Loretta Malintoppi, Lucy Reed, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Michael E. Schneider, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Dream team arbitration tribunal (see also 'Arbitrator', 'Construction arbitration'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Michael E. Schneider (on non-lawyer arbitrators)
- Due process paranoia (and see CMNC v. Jaguar, 'Page limits'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Toby Landau QC, Lord Neuberger, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Duration of proceedings in investment arbitration (see also 'Investment arbitration'): The Hon. Charles Brower, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Early identification of issues by the tribunal (see also 'Case management techniques'): Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Early Opening: see 'Kaplan Opening'
- European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) (see also 'Human rights law'): ECtHR President Robert Spano
- ECHR Art. 6 and arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): ECtHR President Robert Spano
- English Arbitration Act of 1996 (see also 'Career'): Toby Landau QC
- Environmental law (see also 'Career', 'Investment arbitration'): Loretta Malintoppi
- Ethics: see 'Arbitrator unethical conduct', 'Counsel ethical standards', 'ICSID-PCA draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators'
- Expert evidence:
- See 'Arbitral decision-making involving expert evidence', 'Arbitral tribunal’s use of experts after the close of proceedings', 'Assessors', 'Bifurcating quantum and managing quantum experts', 'Hot tubbing', 'Tribunal-appointed experts'
- Rod Bundy, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Toby Landau QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Sir Bernard Rix, Michael E. Schneider
- Fair compensation under the ECHR: ECtHR President Robert Spano
- Funding of disputes: see 'Champerty', 'Outcome-based Fee Arrangements' (or 'Conditional Fee Agreements') and 'Third-Party Funding'
- Harmonisation vs. varying levels of experience (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Loretta Malintoppi
- Headnotes for awards (see also 'Awards'): Hilary Heilbron QC, Sir Bernard Rix
- Dame Rose Heilbron: Hilary Heilbron QC
- HKIAC: Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Human rights law (see also 'Career', 'ECHR Art. 6 and arbitration', 'European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)', 'Investment arbitration', 'Margin of appreciation'): Loretta Malintoppi, ECtHR President Robert Spano
- 'Hot tubbing' of experts (see also 'Case management techniques', 'Expert evidence'): Dr Michael Hwang SC
- 'How to improve arbitration' (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Toby Landau QC, Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM, Lucy Reed, Michael E. Schneider
- How to plan the drafting of an award and avoid delays (see also 'Awards'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence: Hilary Heilbron QC
- ICC Terms of Reference: Prof. Pierre Tercier
- ICCA: Lucy Reed
- ICCA Congresses
- Edinburgh 2020/2022: Loretta Malintoppi
- Mauritius 2016: Toby Landau QC, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Sydney 2018: Jean Kalicki
- ICCA Task Force on Standards of Practice in International Arbitration (see also 'Incivility in arbitration'): Jean Kalicki, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Young ICCA mentoring programme: Prof. Pierre Tercier
- ICCA Congresses
- ICSID-PCA draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators (see also 'Ethics'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Toby Landau QC
- Impact of Covid-19: Jean Kalicki, Lord Neuberger, Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM (on court backlogs)
- Importance of good procedure (see also 'Case management techniques'): Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS
- Importance of tone in the tribunal’s case management emails to the parties (see also 'Case management techniques'): Sir Bernard Rix
- Incivility in arbitration (see also 'ICCA Task Force on Standards of Practice in International Arbitration'): Hilary Heilbron QC, Jean Kalicki, Loretta Malintoppi
- Initial procedural steps as arbitrator (see also 'Case management techniques'): Michael E. Schneider
- International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’): Rod Bundy, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Philippe Sands QC
- Investment arbitration (or ISDS): see 'Achmea', 'Adequacy of time periods where State parties are involved', 'Amici briefs', 'BIT backlash as contractual remorse', 'CJEU Opinion 1/17', 'Double hatting', 'Duration of proceedings in investment arbitration', 'Environmental law', 'Human rights law', 'Investment arbitration and FDI', 'Investment arbitration intra-EU', 'Investment arbitration potential to incentivise host State behaviour', 'Investment courts', 'Investment mediation', 'Issue conflicts', 'Labelling of arbitrators as pro-State or pro-investor', 'Margin of appreciation', Manufacturers Hanover Trust v. Egypt, 'Present state of and future prospects for investment arbitration', 'Regulatory chill as a result of investment arbitration', 'Repeat appointments', 'State counterclaims', 'Whether there are (procedural) differences between commercial and investment arbitration'
- Investment arbitration and FDI: Jean Kalicki
- Investment arbitration intra-EU: Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Toby Landau QC
- Investment arbitration potential to incentivise host State behaviour: Rod Bundy, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Investment courts: The Hon. Charles Brower, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau
- Investment mediation (and see 'Mediation'): Rod Bundy, Loretta Malintoppi, Lucy Reed, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): see investment arbitration
- Iran-United States Claims Tribunal (‘IUSCT’): The Hon. Charles Brower, Rod Bundy, Toby Landau QC
- Issue conflicts: The Hon. Charles Brower, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Jean Kalicki, Lucy Reed, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Issues and challenges of arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Loretta Malintoppi, Prof. Brigitte Stern, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Kaplan Lectures (i.e., references to): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Jean Kalicki, Toby Landau QC, Lucy Reed
- Kaplan Opening (or Early Opening; see also 'Case Management Techniques): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Dr Michael Hwang SC, Jean Kalicki, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Toby Landau QC, Lucy Reed
- 'Kitchen sink' issues (see also 'Advocacy'): Justin D'Agostino, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Hilary Heilbron QC, Toby Landau QC, Lucy Reed
- Labelling of arbitrators as pro-State or pro-investor (see also 'Arbitrator', 'Investment arbitration'): Loretta Malintoppi, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Pierre and Jean-Flavien Lalive: Michael E. Schneider
- Law studies: Prof. Philippe Sands QC (undergraduate vs. graduate degrees), Prof. Pierre Tercier (why study law)
- Legal certainty and convergence of national laws: ECtHR President Robert Spano
- Length of awards: Funke Adekoya SAN, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Lord Neuberger, Lucy Reed, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Life in Big Law (see also 'Career'): Justin D'Agostino
- Managing costs: Funke Adekoya SAN, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Jean Kalicki, Lord Neuberger, Lucy Reed, Sir Bernard Rix
- Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company v. Arab Republic of Egypt and General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, ICSID Case No. ARB/89/1: The Hon. Charles Brower
- Mareva injunctions: Sir Bernard Rix
- Margin of appreciation (or balancing of interests), in the context of human rights law and of ISDS: ECtHR President Robert Spano
- Markets: see 'Arbitration in and related to... Africa, Asia, Hong Kong, Singapore', 'Big Law vs. boutique law firms, 'Priorities of General Counsel (GCs) today and the evolution of legal markets', 'Small claims commercial and investment arbitration'
- Mediation:
- See 'Investment mediation', 'Role of tribunals in relation to mediation and settlement in the context of arbitrations', 'Singapore Mediation Convention'
- The Hon. Yves Fortier on mediation in State-to-State disputes
- Mediation pause during the proceeding: Justin D'Agostino, Dr Michael Hwang SC, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Memorials vs. pleadings (see also 'Advocacy'): Sir Bernard Rix, Michael E. Schneider
- Judge Hsu Mo: Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Mock hearings: Justin D'Agostino, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Hilary Heilbron QC, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Loretta Malintoppi, Lord Neuberger, Lucy Reed, Sir Bernard Rix
- New York Convention (see also 'Arbitration as a system', and see 'Recognition of awards set aside at the seat): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Lord Neuberger
- Nigeria, incl. Nigerian courts, CIArb Nigeria and the use of arbitration in Nigeria: Funke Adekoya SAN
- Oral advocacy (and see 'Advocacy'): Rod Bundy, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Loretta Malintoppi, Sir Bernard Rix, ECtHR President Robert Spano
- Outcome-based Fee Arrangements (see also 'Funding of disputes'): Justin D'Agostino
- Page limits (or word limits): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Toby Landau QC, Lord Neuberger, Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM, Lucy Reed, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Party-appointed arbitrators (see also 'Arbitrator'): Rod Bundy, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Jean Kalicki, Toby Landau QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Lord Neuberger, Lucy Reed, Sir Bernard Rix, Prof. Philippe Sands QC
- Pathological arbitration clauses: Prof. Bernard Hanotiau
- Pleadings vs. memorials (see also 'Advocacy'): Sir Bernard Rix, Michael E. Schneider
- Prague Rules (see also 'Case management techniques'): Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Preparing for a hearing as an arbitrator (see also 'Arbitrator'): Jean Kalicki, Lord Neuberger
- Present state of and future prospects for investment arbitration (see also 'Investment arbitration'): Rod Bundy, Jean Kalicki, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Priorities of General Counsel (GCs) today and the evolution of legal markets (see also 'Markets'): Justin D'Agostino
- Pros and cons of arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Toby Landau QC, Lord Neuberger, Sir Bernard Rix
- Publication of awards (see also 'Arbitration as a system'):
- Funke Adekoya SAN, Hilary Heilbron QC
- Precedential value of awards: Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Sir Bernard Rix on the development of the commercial law
- Reasonable duration of an arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Prof. Bernard Hanotiau
- Recognition of awards set aside at the seat (see also 'Arbitration as a system', 'New York Convention'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard
- Reed Retreat: Lucy Reed
- Regular tribunal calls with the parties (see also 'Case management techniques'): Sir Bernard Rix, Loretta Malintoppi
- Regulatory chill as a result of investment arbitration (see also 'Investment arbitration'): Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Relevance of nationality when considering the independence of arbitrators (see also 'Arbitrator'): The Hon. Yves Fortier
- Remote or virtual hearings:
- See 'Asynchronous opening statements', 'Challenges to awards due to remote hearings'
- The Hon. Charles Brower, Justin D'Agostino, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Jean Kalicki, Toby Landau QC, Lord Neuberger, Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM, Sir Bernard Rix, ECtHR President Robert Spano, Prof. Brigitte Stern, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Remote working (see also 'Career'): The Hon. Charles Brower (and impact on the attractiveness of arbitration), Justin D'Agostino, Toby Landau QC, Prof. Philippe Sands QC
- Repeat appointments (see also 'Arbitrator' and 'Investment arbitration'): Rod Bundy, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Robust arbitrators (see also 'Case management techniques'): Lucy Reed, Prof. Philippe Sands QC
- Role of tribunals in relation to mediation and settlement in the context of arbitrations (see also 'Case management techniques'): Justin D'Agostino, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Dr Michael Hwang SC, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Rule of law: Prof. Philippe Sands QC
- Singapore Mediation Convention (see also 'Mediation'): Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Site visits (see also 'Case management techniques'): Jean Kalicki
- Small claims commercial and investment arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Toby Landau QC
- Sociology of arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Loretta Malintoppi
- 'Splitting the baby' (see also 'Arbitrator'): Lord Neuberger
- State counterclaims in investment arbitration (see also 'Investment arbitration'): Rod Bundy
- Tech disruption to disputes work (see also 'Arbitral decision-making and artificial intelligence'): Justin D'Agostino, Jean Kalicki
- Third-party funding (see also 'Funding of disputes'):
- Lucy Reed on allocation of third-party funding costs
- Prof. Philippe Sands QC on third-party funding and equality of arms
- Justin D'Agostino on third-party funding in Hong Kong
- Tribunal-appointed experts (see also 'Expert evidence'): Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Lord Neuberger, Sir Bernard Rix, Michael E. Schneider
- Tribunal Secretaries (see also 'Arbitrator'): Funke Adekoya SAN, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Lucy Reed, Prof. Pierre Tercier
- Unconscious bias (see also 'Arbitrator'): Toby Landau QC, Lord Neuberger, Lucy Reed
- Venezuela–implications of recognising Juan Guaidó: The Hon. Charles Brower
- Virtual hearings: see 'Remote or virtual hearings'
- War stories: Rod Bundy, The Hon. Yves Fortier, Jean Kalicki, Toby Landau QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Lord Neuberger, Sir Bernard Rix
- Whether former judges make good arbitrators (see also 'Arbitrator'): Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM
- Whether there are (procedural) differences between commercial and investment arbitration (see also 'Arbitration as a system', 'Investment arbitration'): Funke Adekoya SAN, The Hon. Charles Brower ('investomercial arbitration'), Loretta Malintoppi, Prof. Brigitte Stern
- Witness evidence
- In general: Toby Landau QC
- On limitation of witness memory: Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Toby Landau QC
- On taking of witness evidence at hearings: Prof. Bernard Hanotiau
- Witness conferencing (see also 'Case management techniques'): Dr Michael Hwang SC
- Word limits: see 'Page limits'
- Yukos case: Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard
In alphabetical order, Neil Kaplan's guests were as follows (the chaptering has been completed in relation to the bolded names, with more on the way):
Aisha Abdallah, Funke Adekoya SAN, Chiann Bao, John Beechey CBE, Sir Franklin Berman QC, Prof. George Bermann, Juliet Blanch, The Hon. Charles N. Brower, Rod Bundy, Prof. Nayla Comair-Obeid, Justin D'Agostino, The Hon. Yves Fortier, The Hon. Robert French AC, Prof. Emmanuel Gaillard, Matthew Gearing QC, The Hon. Julia Gillard AC, Sir Christopher Greenwood GBE CMG QC, Sarah Grimmer, Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Hilary Heilbron QC, Dame Rosalyn Higgins, Dr Michael Hwang SC, Prof. Doug Jones AO, Jean Kalicki, Prof. Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Makhdoom Ali Khan, Toby Landau QC, Prof. Julian Lew QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Prof. Pierre Mayer, Wendy Miles QC, The Hon. Fali Sam Nariman, Lord Neuberger, Prof. William W. Park, Prof. Jan Paulsson, Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM, Sir Vivian Ramsey, Lucy Reed, Sir Bernard Rix, Prof. Klaus Sachs, Claudia Salomon, Prof. Philippe Sands QC, Michael E. Schneider, ECtHR President Robert Spano, The Hon. James Spigelman AC QC, Prof. Brigitte Stern, Edna Sussman, Prof. Guido Santiago Tawil, Prof. Pierre Tercier, J. Christopher Thomas QC and Prof. Albert Jan van den Berg. Neil Kaplan was also interviewed by Chiann Bao, and the series includes two special episodes chaired by Prof. Doug Jones AO, featuring quantum experts: Richard Boulton QC, Andrew Flower, Brent Kaczmarek, Liz Perks and Neill Poole, and construction experts: Dr. John Lancaster, Wendy MacLaughlin, Ian McIntyre, and Jon Prudhoe.

Chiann BAO, a member of Arbitration Chambers, practices exclusively as an arbitrator and has served as tribunal chair, co-arbitrator, sole arbitrator and emergency arbitrator in ad hoc arbitrations as well as arbitrations under the rules of most of the major institutions. She is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a CEDR-accredited mediator. In addition to private practice experience both in Hong Kong and New York, Chiann currently serves as a Vice President of the ICC Court of Arbitration and is the chair of the ICC Commission’s Task Force on ADR and Arbitration. From 2010 to 2016, she served as the Secretary General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. Chiann is an honorary senior fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. Follow on LinkedIn.