On 11 January 2018 took place the first Delos-Y event (initially known as The Mids). This innovative event concept gives the floor to a new generation of arbitration practitioners, namely 'mid-level' associates. Further information on the event concept and format is available here. The event was oversubscribed.

The speakers at the event (pictured below) were Marie Bouchard of Dechert, Ophélie Divoy of DLA Piper, Stefan Dudas of Derains & Gharavi, Laura Fadlallah of Bredin Prat, Samy Markbaoui of White & Case, Joséphine Neveux of Quinn Emanuel, Tejas Shiroor of Lazareff le Bars and Chloé Vialard of Shearman & Sterling. They addressed two topics in the group discussions:

  • Drafting effectively: Lessons from the Middle Earth
  • MID-life: crisis or bliss? Challenges and opportunities for mid-level associates

The event was moderated by Janice Feigher of Norton Rose Fullbright and Jérémie Kohn of Quinn Emanuel (pictured below). It was generously supported by Norton Rose Fullbright.

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Flyer for first BOLD event - Paris 11 Jan. 2018

Photos (c) Janice Feigher