Rules Now In Portuguese

Delos is proud to announce that its Rules of Arbitration and model clauses are now available in Portuguese. A Delos tem o prazer de anunciar que o seu Regulamento de Arbitragem e cláusulas modelo estão agora disponíveis em português. Delos is grateful to Laura Ghitti, and to Filipe Vaz Pinto and José Maria Almeida e Silva of Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados, for their help in translating these texts, in a manner responsive to the Lusophone community globally, particularly Brazil and Portugal. This builds on Delos’s existing efforts to offer guidance for practitioners to arbitration in Brazil and Portugal, as part of the Delos Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP). A Delos agradece a Laura Ghitti, da, … Read More


Delos is pleased to introduce its Board of Advisors, composed of global leaders in the field of international arbitration and dispute resolution. Geographically diverse, pragmatic and user-focused, they advise Delos on the full range of its activities, endeavours and initiatives, and further support the institution through shared values of excellence, integrity and independence. In this manner, they also act as an ethics committee, with whom we validate our Rules and key processes. Starting in the top left-hand corner in the above picture and going clockwise, Delos’s Advisors are as follows. You can find out more about each one by clicking on their name. Ank Santens is partner at White & Case, based in New York. She has been named a Thought Leader (Who’s Who … Read More