INAUGURAL EVENTS SERIES PARIS EDITION HELD ON WEDNESDAY 11 APRIL 2018, AT THE INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL In conjunction with the Paris Arbitration Week 2018 and with the generous support of McDermott Will & Emery The Inaugural Events Series provided an opportunity for exchange with the arbitration community about the Delos approach to arbitration and its emphasis on time and cost efficiency, combined with quality and flexibility. In Paris, we put the spotlight on the powers of the arbitrators. The Delos Rules of Arbitration require arbitrators to take a proactive approach to the resolution of disputes, and make broad powers available to them for this purpose. The Rules further provide that disputes must be dealt with fairly, expeditiously and at proportionate cost. … Read More


INAUGURAL EVENTS SERIES HONG KONG EDITION HELD ON THURSDAY 15 MARCH 2018, AT HERBERT SMITH FREEHILLS In conjunction with the Vis East Moot 2018 and with the generous support of Herbert Smith Freehills The Inaugural Events Series provided an opportunity for exchange with the international arbitration community about the Delos approach to arbitration and its emphasis on time and cost efficiency, combined with quality and flexibility. In Hong Kong, we put the spotlight on advocacy. The efficiency of Delos arbitration lends itself to strategic and sophisticated forms of advocacy, contributing to the overall quality of the process. This was tested by a panel of leading practitioners with experience of pleading in diverse dispute resolution fora. Their short bios are set out … Read More

2017-2018 NEWS

NEWSLETTER 1 OF JANUARY 2018 IN SHORT As we welcome in the new year, we are delighted to unveil our new website and share exciting news of our forthcoming Inaugural Events Series, starting in Hong Kong and Paris. 2018 will also see the release of our Rules of Arbitration in Spanish, which are already available in draft form. Delos is ready to administer arbitrations in Spanish, which adds to its capabilities in English and French. Supporting the growth of Delos is its recently established Arbitration Consultative Committee, which we introduce below. We also take this opportunity to review an exciting 2017, which saw the issuance of our first award, the initiation of an international study for the preparation of a … Read More


On 11 January 2018 took place the first Delos-Y event (initially known as The Mids). This innovative event concept gives the floor to a new generation of arbitration practitioners, namely ‘mid-level’ associates. Further information on the event concept and format is available here. The event was oversubscribed. The speakers at the event (pictured below) were Marie Bouchard of Dechert, Ophélie Divoy of DLA Piper, Stefan Dudas of Derains & Gharavi, Laura Fadlallah of Bredin Prat, Samy Markbaoui of White & Case, Joséphine Neveux of Quinn Emanuel, Tejas Shiroor of Lazareff le Bars and Chloé Vialard of Shearman & Sterling. They addressed two topics in the group discussions: Drafting effectively: Lessons from the Middle Earth MID-life: crisis or bliss? Challenges and opportunities for mid-level associates The event was moderated by Janice Feigher of Norton Rose Fullbright and Jérémie Kohn of Quinn … Read More