2017-2018 NEWS


As we welcome in the new year, we are delighted to unveil our new website and share exciting news of our forthcoming Inaugural Events Series, starting in Hong Kong and Paris.

2018 will also see the release of our Rules of Arbitration in Spanish, which are already available in draft form. Delos is ready to administer arbitrations in Spanish, which adds to its capabilities in English and French.

Supporting the growth of Delos is its recently established Arbitration Consultative Committee, which we introduce below.

We also take this opportunity to review an exciting 2017, which saw the issuance of our first award, the initiation of an international study for the preparation of a practitioner’s Guide to Arbitration Places, and the launch of DELOS-Y for younger members of the international arbitration community.

Most importantly, we send our wishes for a peaceful and prosperous new year.

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These events will provide an opportunity for exchange with the arbitration community about the Delos approach to arbitration, and its emphasis on time and cost efficiency, combined with quality and flexibility.

Delos's first Inaugural Event will take place in Hong Kong, on Thursday 15 March 2018 evening, in conjunction with the Vis East Moot. Generously hosted by Herbert Smith Freehills, it will feature an introduction to Delos and a panel discussion on the topic: ‘Advocacy in dispute resolution: what relevance of procedural rules?’, followed by a cocktail reception. The speakers include Simon Chapman, Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Charles Manzoni QC, SC and Professor Anselmo Reyes.

Further information and register for the event
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The next Inaugural Event will take place on Wednesday 11 April 2018, as part of the Paris Arbitration Week. Generously hosted by McDermott Will & Emery, it will feature a breakfast discussion led by Professors Pierre Mayer and Maxi Scherer.

Further information and register for the event
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In line with Delos’s global mandate, Delos will be issuing this year a Spanish-language version of its Rules of Arbitration, at the same time as an updated version of its Rules of Arbitration in English and in French, and an updated list of recommended safe seats further to the publication of the Guide to Arbitration Places.

In anticipation of the above, Delos is publishing today a draft version of its Rules of Arbitration in Spanish, which aligns with the present edition of its Rules in English and French.

Delos is ready to administer arbitrations in Spanish, which adds to its capabilities in English and French.

Finally, Delos is also publishing today a Spanish-language translation, prepared by Juan Camilo Arena, of the 2017 commentary on Delos arbitration authored by Hafez R Virjee, entitled Activating Arbitration: Four Delos Principles to Achieve Fair and Efficient International Arbitration.


Delos has established an Arbitration Consultative Committee (ACC) composed of experienced young arbitration practitioners. The role of the ACC is to keep under critical review the Delos Rules of Arbitration, to support the institution with the administration of arbitrations and to provide subject-matter expertise and programme leadership.

Delos is proud to introduce the following initial members of the ACC: Victor Bonnin Reynes, Eléonore Caroit, Greg Falkof, Dr Florian Grisel, Iain McKenny and Jérémie Kohn.

Greg, Florian and Iain are cofounders of Delos and Victor, Eléonore and Jérémie have all three been recognised as Future Leaders in Arbitration by the prestigious publication Who’s Who Legal.

Find out about the Delos team and Board of Advisors
Update: the above news was covered by the Global Arbitration Review (GAR), in its article of 4 October 2018 entitled Delos unveils board


As part of engaging with the younger members of the arbitration community, Delos has established Delos-Y.

The first Delos-Y initiative was to develop an innovative event concept to give the floor to 'mid-level' associates. The event format gives the speakers an opportunity to get better acquainted with their peers and for public speaking, as they share their several years of experience with students and law firm interns contemplating a career in international arbitration.

The pilot edition in Paris took place on 11 January 2017 and was generously hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright. The event was moderated by Janice Feigher and Jérémie Kohn. Further such workshops will be scheduled to take place during the year.

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Contact us if you wish to discuss hosting a Delos-Y event


Last year was very exciting for Delos. It saw the publication of its first award in an arbitration conducted under its Rules of Arbitration. The case, with an amount in dispute below EUR 200,000, was concluded in just over three months from the commencement of the arbitration. The contract containing the arbitration agreement had been registered with Delos and the parties accordingly benefitted from a reduction of the arbitration costs, as provided for by the Delos procedures for early registration of contracts.

This first award was followed by a popular feature of Delos in the Global Arbitration Review, published on 13 April 2017.

In response to sustained demand from the international arbitration community, Delos made available in May 2017 a registration process for potential arbitrators to express their interest to serve in that capacity with Delos.

In July 2017, Delos announced the launch of an international study to develop a Guide to Arbitration Places, known as the ‘GAP’. The initiative is chaired by Professors David D Caron and Maxi Scherer.

The Guide is designed to assist in-house counsel, corporate lawyers and arbitration practitioners with efficiently accessing key insights into a large range of jurisdictions, including for the purposes of negotiating the choice of arbitral seats and conducting arbitral proceedings in those jurisdictions.

Finally, in November 2017, Delos published the list of the 60+ reputed, leading law firms contributing chapters to the GAP and of the 70+ experienced young practitioners supporting its editorial review. Thomas Granier and Hafez R Virjee are co-editors of the Guide.

The Guide will be published online later this year and made freely accessible. Further information is available here.