This event series aims to provide practitioners and anyone with a substantive interest in international arbitration with weekly insights into significant arbitration-related case law from around the world.
Taking place every Thursday, A Case In Time combines weekly 30mn pinpoints with a comparative law angle: our Headnote entries, and monthly 90mn deep dives into landmark court decisions: our Journal entries. These events build on Delos's leading practitioner Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP).
The Headnote Series is curated by Janice Feigher and Vee Vian Thien and features the authors of the 60+ GAP chapters and the Reviewers of the publication. This is followed by a Q&A with the audience and includes networking opportunities.
The Journal Series is led by a committee composed of Jonathan Lim (Chair), Laurie Achtouk-Spivak, Tsegaye Laurendeau and Laura Sinisterra. It takes place every last Thursday of the month and includes an opportunity for Q&A.
All A Case In Time episodes are recorded and the videos can be viewed here.

