Clarity or Confusion? Enka v Chubb (UKSC 2020) and the Law Governing Arbitration Agreements From a Comparative Law Perspective
The closing session of the GAP Symposium 2020 featured a discussion on “Clarity or Confusion? Enka v Chubb (UKSC 2020) and the Law Governing Arbitration Agreements From a Comparative Law Perspective” by GAP Co-Chairs Professor Joongi Kim and Professor Maxi Scherer (their short bios follow below). The session was followed by a Q&A session moderated by GAP General Editors Thomas Granier (ASAFO & Co., Paris) and Hafez Virjee (Delos President; Virjee Arbitration, London & Paris). It took place on 19 November 2020.
The recording is available here.
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Professor Joongi Kim is Professor of Law at Yonsei Law School in Seoul, Korea. His research focuses on international dispute resolution, international trade and investment, corporate governance and good governance. His treatise International Arbitration in Korea (Oxford University Press 2017) received the 11th Simdang International Trade and Business Research Award. He has acted as a presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator, and co-arbitrator in institutional and ad hoc proceedings under the rules of the GGGI, HKIAC, ICC, ICSID, JCAA, KCAB, LMAA, SIAC and UNCITRAL and was selected as International Arbitrator of the Year by KCAB International in 2019 and as one of the Top 10 Arbitrators in Asia Pacific in 2019 by the Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Center. He sits on the editorial board of International Investment Law and Arbitration (Brill), Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Cambridge University Press), Dispute Resolution International (IBA) and Korean Arbitration Review. He has been a visiting professor at ESADE, Georgetown, Keio, the National University of Singapore, National Law School of India University (Bangalore), University of Florida and University of Hong Kong.
Professor Maxi Scherer is Special Counsel at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP and regularly sits as arbitrator. She also holds the Chair for International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution and Energy Law at Queen Mary, University of London, and is Queen Mary’s Director of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies in Paris and of the LLM in Paris programme. Prof. Scherer further serves on the Delos Board of Advisors and acts as the General Editor of the Kluwer Journal of International Arbitration. She was previously Global Professor of Law at NYU Law School, Visiting Professor at SciencesPo Law School Paris and Adjunct Professor at the Georgetown Centre of Transnational Legal Studies.